Miika Äppelqvist (37), MSc, Industrial engineering and management, has been appointed VP, Emerging Technologies as of 1 May 2019.
In his position, he succeeds Juha Liettyä who takes up the position as President of Glaston Technologies. The Emerging Technologies unit, established in 2017, provides engineering and consultant services in the field of emerging glass technologies and is continuously looking for new business opportunities.
Miika Äppelqvist has more than 10 years’ experience at Glaston and has previously headed Glaston’s Architectural Business Unit including flat tempering, laminating and automation. In his new position he will report to President and CEO Arto Metsänen and will be stationed in Tampere, Finland.
“I am very pleased to appoint Miika as head of our Emerging Technologies unit. We have many interesting projects and negotiations on-going, and I am sure that Miika with his strong background will step up the speed of the business even further and seek new opportunities offering Glaston’s and Bystronic glass’ combined portfolios. Emerging glass technologies are an essential part of our strategy and an important growth area for Glaston.”
Arto Metsänen
02.05.2019, Glaston
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