SmartMelter® LPod - Coming in July Would you like to visually explore the area deep inside your furnace insulation? The SmartMelter® LPod is an add-on to our Furnace Tomography sensors that will automatically scan areas of potential concern and provide high resolution video of interior wall anomalies.
Refractory Grating Sensor - Coming Late Summer 2019 In response to many requests, we have developed a sensor that can be used to inspect furnaces with metal grating without removal or cutting. Our internal field team is currently using this sensor on our customers furnaces, and it will be available to our customers late this summer for shipping.
Furnace Health Management Platform - Fall 2019 Our software team is working very hard to release the first version of our long-awaited Furnace Health Management platform. This platform is the first in the glass industry to manage the entire furnace lifecycle in true digital form. We will be releasing more news and details on this platform late this summer as we start our global pilot program with select companies.
Meet Our Operations Coordinator While we are working nonstop to bring new innovations and capabilities to the glass industry, our operations are growing quickly to support our customers in over 40 countries. This would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of our Operations Coordinator, Kristin Rohrer. Kristin has made wonderful improvements to our infrastructure to track and manage all of our projects globally from anywhere in web and mobile.
02.05.2019, Paneratech
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