Announcing a new Glass & Optical Materials Division Award: The L. David Pye Lifetime Achievement Award

Division and is to be given annually to deserving individual(s) in recognition of lifetime dedication, vision, and scholarly accomplishments in advancing the field of glass science and engineering. ACerS membership is not required. ACerS Distinguished Life Members will not be considered for this award.

Professor L. David Pye has been a visionary leader whose passion to link the global activities of academia, industry, and government in glass science and engineering have been an inspiration to many. These activities have led to an elevation of glass within the field of material science and engineering and have resulted in long-standing initiatives that continue to this day to influence professional societies, students, research and industry-university networks.

This Award celebrates his vision, creativity, leadership, and mentorship which have spanned global glass science research, education and scholarship starting his professional career at Bausch & Lomb, Inc., and retiring five decades later as Dean and Professor of Glass Science at the NY State College of Ceramics at Alfred to become an aspiring stained glass artist. His visions included establishing the only PhD in glass science program in the US, being founding director of the NSF- Industry-University Center for Glass Research at Alfred, founding editor of the International Journal of Glass Science, and founding trustee of the Ceramics and Glass Industry Foundation. Dr. Pye is a past president of The American Ceramic Society and the International Commission on Glass and is the recipient of several awards including the State University of New York Chancellor’s Award for scholarship.

The L. David Pye Lifetime Achievement Award recipient shall receive recognition appropriate for the occasion as well as an honorarium to cover much of the travel expense. No lecture is required.
The inaugural award shall be presented during the 100th anniversary celebrations of the Glass & Optical Materials Division at the 25th International Congress on Glass in Boston, MA, USA, June 9-14, 2019.

Nomination portfolio should include:

There is no specific nomination form for this award. Nominations should be sent electronically by April 15th to:
Liping Huang
Chair, Glass & Optical Materials Division

27.04.2019, The AMerican ceramic society

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