North America, a division of Ardagh Group, was awarded three ENERGY STAR® plant certifications for superior energy performance from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – the only U.S. glass container manufacturer to earn this recognition.
The three Ardagh Group glass production facilities, located in Bridgeton, N.J.; Dunkirk, Ind.; and Madera, Calif.; have demonstrated best-in-class energy performance and perform within the top 25 percent nationwide for energy efficiency when compared to similar plants across the country.
“Ardagh is pleased to accept EPA’s ENERGY STAR certification,” said Bertrand Paulet, President & CEO of Ardagh Group, Glass – North America. “We are proud to manufacture infinitely recyclable glass containers in the U.S. and are committed to be the market leader in sustainability by optimising our manufacturing operations, maximising the use of recycled materials and lowering energy consumption.”
Ardagh’s recognised facilities have improved energy performance by upgrading and optimising furnaces, utilising recycled glass and installing energy-efficient lighting fixtures, among many other energy-saving initiatives.
“Improving the energy efficiency of our nation’s industrial facilities is critical to protecting our environment,” said Jean Lupinacci, Chief of the ENERGY STAR Commercial & Industrial Branch. “From the plant floor to the board room, organisations are leading the way by making their facilities more efficient and earning EPA’s ENERGY STAR certification.”
In addition to the ENERGY STAR certifications, all 13 of Ardagh Group’s glass manufacturing facilities in North America are ISO 14001 certified, making Ardagh an environmental leader in the packaging industry.
25.04.2019, Ardagh Group
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