Erdman Automation Corp., a machinery manufacturer in Princeton, Minn., has broken ground for a new 45,950-square-foot facility. The new facility brings Erdman’s manufacturing space up to more than 160,000 square feet. This expansion will be located next to Erdman’s second production site in Princeton.
The new facility will be dedicated to manufacturing Erdman’s high speed insulating glass equipment (for the Flexible Foam and Dura Spacer systems) as well as its robotic insulating glass work cells for larger sized insulating glass. Erdman’s facilities have everything in-house to design and build advanced custom automated equipment, according to the company.
The expansion will help manage increased orders for residential doors and windows, unitized curtainwall and insulating glass equipment. According to the company, the expansion will reduce lead times and increase overall production capability.
24.04.2019, Erdman Automation Corp.
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