PD-Tatneft Alabuga Fiberglass has increased its fiberglass production capacity by 32%, to nearly 32 tons, as a result of the modernization of the glass furnace. According to the Industry Development Fund, which provided 441.51 million rubles for the project. as a soft loan, the total investment in the modernization amounted to 883 million rubles.
80% of produced fiberglass will be sold in Russia, the remaining 20% - abroad. The joint venture opened in 2010. Tatneft and the German company Preiss-Daimler Group invested 3.2 billion rubles in the construction of the plant. "PD-Tatneft Alabuga Fiberglass" is one of the largest manufacturers of fiberglass in Russia and the CIS.
23.04.2019, steklosouz
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