Şişecam Flat Glass, one of the largest flat glass manufacturers in the world attends the International Solar Energy and Technologies Fair - Solarex Istanbul held at Istanbul Fair Center between the 4th and 6th of April. Şişecam Flat Glass presented high transmission Anti Reflective Solar Glass Products which are used on the solar energy systems and that maximize the performance of solar energy systems.
The leader of Turkish flat glass market and the largest manufacturer of Europe, Şişecam Flat Glass attended the International Solar Energy and Technologies Fair Solarex Istanbul held at Istanbul Fair Center between the 4th and 6th of April.
At the fair, where the industry’s leading companies and representatives met, Şişecam Flat Glass shared information on its high transmission Anti-Reflective Solar Glass products which are used on the solar energy systems and that maximize the performance of solar energy systems. The high performance products exhibited by Şişecam Flat Glass stand received a great deal of attention.
10.04.2019, Sisecam Group
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