Pilkington North America will once again join Auto Glass Week™ as a top sponsor for the 2019 show.
The company will be returning as a Platinum Plus sponsor and continues to support the future of the auto glass repair and replacement industry. Pilkington sets high industry standards with OE-quality products. From laminated glass with noise- and heat-reduction to tempered glass and accessories, plus even classic glass, you know you’re getting superior products when you choose Pilkington. Looking to expand? Opti-Aim™ is the complete calibration solution that puts you ahead of the curve by allowing you to calibrate complex ADAS vehicles.
Auto Glass Week will take place September 4-6 at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, Ind. The show is the only event devoted solely to the original equipment (OE) and aftermarket automotive glass repair and replacement industry.
With an informative educational program, busy trade show floor and captivating competitions, Auto Glass Week is the perfect learning and networking event for those who want to drive their business forward. Join Pilkington North America and other companies working for the betterment of our industry at Auto Glass Week™.
09.04.2019, Pilkington North America
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