AGC lights its second oven in Brazil

As announced in February this year, the second AGC furnace was lit in April, more precisely on 01.04.2019, the first day of the month

With a capacity to produce 850 tons of glass per day (from 1.6 to 19 mm), including extra clear glasses, the new furnace increases the company's production capacity in the country by 140% - today it delivers 600 tons of glass per day. The first products made in Guara 2, as it is called, are expected to hit the market in May. Located in Guaratinguetá (SP), next to the first unit of the company, the new plant is the result of an investment of $ 750 million and should remain in activity for the next twenty years. "By firing and starting the operations of its second kiln, AGC demonstrates its conviction in the improvement of the country's economy, as well as the entrepreneurial capacity of our customers," says Franco Faldini, director of Sales and Marketing South America.

During the period approximately one thousand indirect and temporary jobs were generated. The effective hiring of employees who will participate in the day-to-day operations of the new structure, occurs in a gradual manner, according to the demand generated by the company's new production capacity and the market, AGC reports.

07.04.2019, AGC Vidros do Brasil

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