Şişecam Flat Glass Launches its New Products at ‘Eurasia Glass Fair’

Şişecam Flat Glass, one of the largest flat glass manufacturers in the world, attends ‘Eurasia Glass Fair 2019’. With its innovative products exhibited at ‘Eurasia Glass Fair 2019’, organized at Tüyap Istanbul Fair and Congress Center, Şişecam Flat Glass attracts the attention of fair visitors. 

Şişecam Flat Glass, the leader of Turkish flat glass market and the largest manufacturer of Europe, attended Eurasia Glass Fair 2019, organized at Tüyap Istanbul Fair and Congress Center. Introducing its glass products with various performances and manufactured with the cutting-edge technology during the 4-day fair organization, Şişecam Flat Glass met the representatives of the sector on the occasion of a cocktail party organized. 

Supporting its advantage gained by the high production capacity with its innovative production, Şişecam Flat Glass launched its brand new product Şişecam Ultra Strong Laminated Glass at Eurasia Glass Fair 2019. Also exhibiting at the Fair the new temperable products with high performance in providing efficient thermal insulation and solar control, besides its decorative glasses, the industry professionals that visit the booth of Şişecam Flat Glass received information on the energy saving glass products, while showing great interest in Isıcam K 3+ Test Tunnel where they had the chance to test and experience the superior insulation characteristics of Isıcam against heat and cold. 

The outstanding products of Şişecam Flat Glass at the Fair:

About Şişecam Flat Glass
As a Şişecam Group company, the global player of the glass industry, Şişecam Flat Glass is not only the Turkish flat glass market leader, but also has the distinction of being the largest producer of Europe. Carrying out its production activities in its Kırklareli, Mersin, Bursa and Ankara facilities in Turkey, as well as its facilities located in other 10 countries consisting of Bulgaria, Romania, Germany, Slovakia, Hungary, Russia, Italy, India and Egypt, Şişecam Flat Glass is the 5th largest flat glass manufacturer in the world.

Operating in four main product categories consisting of "architectural glass" (flat glass, frosted glass, mirror, laminated glass, coated glass, glass for architectural applications), "automotive glass", "solar energy glass" and glass for home appliances, Şişecam Flat Glass serves many industries such as construction, automotive, energy, white goods, furniture and agriculture.
Meeting all customer expectations in its targeted markets, Şişecam Flat Glass carries out its activities by increasing its competitiveness with its qualified and high-quality products, state-of-the-art technology, and its efforts focused on saving energy for environment protection.

01.04.2019, Sisecam Glass Fibre

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