Thanks to its amazing scenery, Guilin is one of china's most popular tourist destinations. a prefecture-level city in the northeast of china's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, its name means "Forest of Sweet Osmanthus", owing to the large number of fragrant sweet Osmanthus trees located in the region.
Located on the west bank of the lijiang river, the scenery around Guilin has been called the finest under heaven. The mountains, the mirror-like lijiang river, the many caves and the fantastic rock peaks form what are known as the “Four Wonders of Guilin” − locally described as green mountains, clean water, strange caves and beautiful stones.
For architects who take their cues from nature, the city and the surrounding region present an array of features that inspire multiple opportunities for sympathetic design ideas. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Guilin Wanda cultural Tourism Exhibition center, which has leveraged the capabilities and aesthetics of glass to create a truly stunning effect that mirrors and complements the local surroundings, thanks to elegant curves and striking 3D geometry.
29.03.2019, Kuraray Europe GmbH
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