From April 15 to 17, Gerresheimer will be presenting its latest glass creations for the international cos- metics market at Beautyworld Middle East in Dubai on the Persian Gulf. The event is seen as the largest trade fair for perfume, beauty, care, and wellness products in the Middle East. The experts from Gerresheimer are looking forward to meeting interested visitors at booth E25 in hall 1 of the International Convention and Exhibition Centre in Dubai.
“The appeal of a glass bottle or jar depends on its colors, shapes, and effects,” says Oliver Delicourt, whose role of Development Manager makes him responsible for the development of new products. “A wide va- riety of decorative elements give products their unmistakable brand im- age.”
Gerresheimer’s factories in Tettau (Germany) and Momignies (Belgium) specialize in the industrial production of cosmetic glass and have been supplying notable customers in the cosmetics industry for decades. At both sites, newly created, high-performance “Decoration Centers” use modern techniques to customize sophisticated branded products for the cosmetics market.
27.03.2019, Gerresheimer AG
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