We are pleased to inform you that Milly Glass Works Private Limited, Kenya, UAE, will be participating at EITE Africa 2019, International Trade Exhibition On Multi Sector Products, Equipments & Machinery Industry to be held from 21st - 23rd March, 2019 - Millennium Hall, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Milly Glass Works Limited formerly known as Bawazir Glass Limited is a leading glass container and tableware manufacture in East Africa, based in Mombasa Kenya. Milly Glass was incorporated in 1st Feb 2000 and has a long tradition in Glass Container Industry dating back to 1954.They manufacture
Container Glass for Spirits / Beverages and Food Industry wide range from 200ml to 750ml for Spirit Industry and 40ml to 720ml Jars for Food industry. If we have raised your curiosity, please visit their booth at EITE Africa 2019.
Details of the exhibition and venue are available at https://expogr.com/eite/venue_timings.php
20.03.2019, Milly Glass Works
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