Registration now open for Glassman South America

Glassman South America returns to Brazil on 14-15 May 2019 and this year's event has more content than ever before. Your free pass will allow you access to the international exhibition as well as two free-to-attend conferences.

Register for your free pass now

Future Glass Forum
The Future Glass Forum is a live discussion of the issues surrounding Industry 4.0 with an emphasis on glassmaking and the digitalisation of the hot and cold ends. The conference will focus on the latest trends in the glassmaking process with experts from areas such as furnaces, forming and inspection providing topical talks. The conference is free-to-attend and is applicable to both flat glass and hollow glass production as well as business consultants interested in considerations of business models, IT Infrastructure, energy efficiencies and plant safety and security.

Speakers include:

Glassman Conference in association with ABCERAM
Glassman Events are pleased to announce that there will be a two day conference taking place on the show floor at Glassman South America.  Organised in partnership with the Brazilian Glass Commission, the Glassman conference will address the latest trends in glassmaking with high-level speakers.  The conference will run alongside the exhibition and is free to attend for all visitors to the show.

Your pass will also include the international exhibition
The international exhibition has over 50 companies already confirmed at Glassman South America. These include AGR International, EME, F.I.C UK, Horn Glass Industries, Pneumofore and Sorg. You'll be able to arrange meetings and do real business within this intimate networking event designed specifically for the hollow and container glass industry.

12.03.2019, Glassman South America

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