Turkmenexport has signed a contract for the supply of glass from the Turkmen Aina Onumleri plant to the Uzbek automotive industry. About this February 27 reported online edition orient.tm. “Zarrux Avto Oyna joint venture from the Samarkand region intends to establish a stable purchase of Turkmen products for the production of windshields,” the newspaper notes.
Uzbekistan is the second in the CIS countries in the automotive industry after Russia. The Republic intends to develop the industry, bringing the number of cars produced to 230,000 per year. At the same time, a key glass producer in Uzbekistan can provide only one-fifth of the needs for automotive glass.
The Turkmen Aina Onumleri plant, which opened in 2018 in Turkmenistan, is the largest in Central Asia. Its capacity allows the company to steadily increase exports of high-quality glass of various types. The state enterprise TurkmenExport, which since 2012 has been one of the effective mechanisms for the export of Turkmen products and foreign imports to Turkmenistan, can always act as a mediator in the matter of its deliveries.
07.03.2019, StekloSoiuz
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