It’s one of the world’s most famous structures and an instantly recognisable symbol not just of Paris, but France itself.
This year, the Eiffel Tower will mark its 130th birthday – and state-of-the-art Edgetech innovation is helping ensure it’ll still be delighting visitors for decades to come. When esteemed architects Moatti & Rivière produced highly complex designs for renovating the Tower’s 57.6m viewing platform, their plans called for glass units that excelled on all fronts. They envisaged a 130-square foot glass floor, offering spectacular views of the Champs de Mars below, fringed with a 2.5m glass balustrade, and, most ambitiously of all, a double-kinked glass façade, 8m high and 20m wide. Both concave and convex in parts, the façade was far too intricate to be manufactured in one piece and was therefore made from a mosaic of cylindrically bent rectangular panels, all incorporating Edgetech’s Super Spacer Triseal Premium Plus. With its unique triple-seal design, Triseal offers extreme durability and the structural strength to excel in even the most demanding architectural conditions. It’s been used in some of the world’s most striking and iconic new buildings, including Zaha Hadid’s The Opus tower in Dubai.
“It’s immensely gratifying to see Edgetech technology used in one of history’s most famous buildings,” comments Managing Director Chris Alderson.
“Most people on the planet can recognise the Eiffel Tower, and it’s the most visited pay-to-enter monument in the world, attracting over seven million tourists every year.
“For us, having our products chosen to help safeguard the Tower for the future is a huge honour – and a testament to the incredible strength and versatility Super Spacer Triseal can offer.”
07.03.2019, Edgetech Europe GmbH
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