We have now published the record number of 180 abstracts received on-line! The abstracts can be accessed immediately here and sorted by company, speaker or proposed session. In combination with the workshops this brings the total number of expert presentations to some 230 during the duration of the June 25th - 28th. We owe special thanks to all of you who have submitted abstracts the technical level of which we consider to be very high.
The Final Program of the Conference including scheduling times is nearing completion and will be distributed in a very near future.
We advise you to make arrangements for travel and accommodation soon to secure quality bookings. Tampere is a relatively small city and hotels will be fully booked during summer time.
PS. Remember to nominate your candidate for the next recipient of the Jorma Vitkala Award of Merit! Deadline March 17th.
06.03.2019, GPD Finnland
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