A solid 2019 performance in prospect for Indeglas as it logs four new high-profile projects adding £1.25m of order value

Indeglas, the Cumbernauld-based business recognised as a leading supplier of interior glass solutions, has started the new year with a healthy order book.
The specialist contractor and sole distributor in the UK and Ireland for the products of award-winning glazed screen system, DEKO of Denmark, has announced this month that it is about to undertake four new high profile projects, worth a collective £1.25m.
The four projects are the new Forth Valley College Campus in Falkirk, Inverness Justice Centre, the University of Saint Andrew’s PSR Building located in Guard Bridge, Fife and the University of Edinburgh’s new Wellbeing Centre development in Bristo Square, Edinburgh.
Jeanette MacIntyre, Managing Director of Indeglas, said: ‘Securing these contracts demonstrates our ability to meet the design requirements of prominent architectural practices including Keppie Design, Reiach and Hall, Atkins Global and Page Park as well as aligning the construction stage accreditations we offer with the demanding supply chain requirements of top performing main contractors Balfour Beatty, Robertson Construction, Graham Construction and Morrison Construction.

“To be selected to undertake these contracts is a great privilege and we see it as a clear indication that Indeglas is rapidly becoming the preferred supplier of a growing number of the country’s top performing decision-makers in construction.”
In 2018 Indeglas completed a clutch of contracts worth over £840k on behalf of the University of Edinburgh, including complete glazed screen installations at the Joseph Black Building, James Clerk Maxwell Buildings, Charles Stewart House, Dalhousie Land, Chrystal MacMillan Building, Centre Building, Easterbush, Minto Building, New College and the Data Technology Institute (DTI), the final phase of the University’s state-of-the-art Potterrow development.
Established 18 years ago, Indeglas designs project-specific glazed screen requirements and is unique in providing a full-service design, engineering, supply and installation service for leading-edge and bespoke internal glass solutions, fully backed up by a dedicated maintenance service throughout the UK for both the private and public sector projects.

01.03.2019, Indeglas

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