At the showroom of the company IN-VENTO, the business partner of Fratelli Pezza in Poland, it will be possible to see the new version of Mistral 180EV and perform sandblasting trials.
The Mistral EV sandblasting cabinet is now available with a new software and a simplified graphic interface. The section dedicated to preventive maintenance, useful for preventing breakdowns or downtime, as well as the expansion of the memory, represent the most significant new features of the upgraded software.
The Mistral EV series is the flagship series of Fratelli Pezza product range and allows to carry out, in addition to normal, light and engraved sandblasting, also shading sandblasting. Thanks to the special software it’s possible to program up to 50 blasting areas on the glass plate, as well as to create and store in the memory up to 200 customized working programs. These features are used in different sectors of modern architecture, from glass balustrades to shower enclosures or partitions walls just to mention the most popular applications. The machines are also equipped with a system against the accumulation of static electricity in the cabin.
25.02.2019, Fratelli Pezza
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