Poland’s Forglass has acquired design and fabrication specialist Ekopol.
Forglass is a supplier of production solutions for glassmakers while Ekopol specialises in the design and fabrication of various equipment for the glass industry.
It also builds steel constructions for furnaces and batch houses.
The two companies have been close business partners since Forglass was founded, so this is more a fusion of like souls.
For clients, the acquisition of a large and modern production company means even more stability of Forglass as a reliable business partner for them.
Forglass CEO and co-founder Piotr Knast said that as the clients’ demands increase, Forglass continually seeks new ways to solve their complex problems.
“It’s not just furnaces or just batch houses or hot repairs. We have the ability, the engineering know-how and the logistical base to support our clients’ glass production from engineering and design through start-up to getting the perfect product every time.”
The transaction was formalised at the end of 2018.
25.02.2019, Forglass
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