VP Academy: our new online learning platform, making product instructions and information easy and effortless!

VPInstruments, manufacturer of leading flow metering equipment for easy insight into energy flows, is proud to announce the new online learning platform: VP Academy. This platform will cover all instructions and information about our products. It shows how, when and where VPInstruments’ products can be used.

VP Academy enables you to learn at your own time and pace. Both fundamental steps and in-depth knowledge of the VPInstruments’ products are provided on the platform. This new online learning environment is especially designed to make instructions and information as easy and as effortless as possible. Therefore, information and instructions are provided in text, visuals and video’s.
The VP Academy is a work in progress and will be extended over time with more products. Today it provides all the information about our VPFlowScope M and VPStudio 2 software. More products will follow soon.

About VPInstruments
VPInstruments offers industrial customers easy insight into energy flows. We believe that industrial energy monitoring should be easy and effortless, to enable insight, savings, and optimization. VPInstruments’ flow meters are calibrated on a state-of-the-art calibration facility. Our calibration equipment is maintained under our ISO 9001 Quality Management System and is traceable to National Standards. VPInstruments products are recommended by leading energy professionals worldwide and offer the most complete measurement solution for compressed air flow, gas flow and electric energy consumption. Our monitoring software VPVision can be used for all utilities and enables you to see where, when and how much you can save. Our products can be found all over the world. We serve all industrial markets, for example; automotive, glass manufacturing, metal processing, food and beverage, and consumer goods. We can also help your industry. Let us open your eyes and start saving energy.

15.02.2019, VPInstruments

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