Production is the heart of the façade construction specialist seele. seele not only plans and designs, but also knows how projects with the highest standards of quality and precision are manufactured. The production areas of seele GmbH in Gersthofen are constantly being redesigned to meet the individual requirements of the projects. Thus, continuous investments are made in new machines and digitisation in production is continued in order to remain internationally competitive.
The challenge lies in particular in the flexible orientation of the company, the handling of an international market and the constant advancement of innovations. "seele is known for its dialogue with customers, architects and engineers in order to find ways and means of implementing ambitious designs. This requires a sound and broad knowledge of materials, manufacturing processes, logistics and assembly", explains Stefan Sachsenmaier, Head of Manufacturing. In order to meet the requirements for oversizes and to work even more efficiently, the company recently invested in a stud welding system and a plate shear with a weight of 10t.
07.02.2019, seele
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