New glass processing unit commissioned

Al Tasnim Group has become the first company in the Sultanate to indigenously process glass on a massive scale at its premises in Misfah. On January 23, 2019, renowned and prominent dignitaries, industry leaders, entrepreneurs, customers and well-wishers from across the Sultanate gathered at the Crowne Plaza Muscat, Al Qurum, to mark the launch of “first in Oman, glass processing unit with jumbo size full convection tempering line”.

This unit has been certified by all the leading glass manufacturers such as Emirates Glass, Guardian Glass, Pilkington Northern America & Saint Gobain Glass. Dedicated and independent function lines such as glass tempering, insulated glass, cutting line with autoloader, edge-polishing machines and others have been put in place to achieve international standards and the best quality output.

Devaki Khimji, Executive Director, Al Tasnim Group, said, “We chose to construct the unit in Misfah, as the Group is committed to the Sultanate’s In-Country Value (ICV) initiative. The venture into glass processing will contribute to contemporary architecture in Oman. The Group is passionate about making innovative inroads into world class technology through exciting opportunities like this.”

The evening also witnessed the launch of another venture by Al Tasnim Group, “Tquall”. The exclusive and high-profile event brought together Basam Adappa, Managing Director, Consolidated Contractors Co Oman, along with the management of the Al Tasnim Group, Devaki Khimji; Dhiren Chaitanya Khimji, CEO, Group Corporate Services; Mohit Chaitanya Khimji, CEO, Group Divisions; and Farrokh Masani, Director Operations & Procurement, for the launch of the product manufactured at the Group's unit.

“This day would be added to my list of the most memorable and cherished days of my career. Building Finishes Division is a conglomerate of various sub-divisions which include marble and stones, GRC/GRP/GRG, carpentry and joinery, aluminium fabrication, steel fabrication, landscaping and irrigation, pre-cast concrete, and adding another vertical today with the official launch of the glass processing facility in Misfah,” said, SK Borse, Director Building Finishes.

Shahji Kumar, Divisional Manager, said: “The next generation technology of glass processing has been sourced from the leaders in the industry such as Bavelloni, Italy; Glaston, Finland; and Lisec, Austria. This newest venture aims to fulfil the local industrial requirements that previously had to be imported from other countries. The unit structure has the capacity to engineer tailor-made applications to cater to the requirements of valued clientele across the world.”

The evening featured four presentations from industry experts as well. Representatives from various industry leaders such as APT, Glaston, Lisec and Saint Gobain travelled from various parts of the world to provide insights into the latest technologies, which have been implemented at the state-of-the-art glass processing facility.

“Al Tasnim’s Glass Processing Division has literally broken the glass ceiling by becoming the first in the Sultanate to indigenously process glass on a massive scale.” said Krishna Prasad Shenoy, Manager, Glass Manufacturing Unit.

06.02.2019, Al Tasnim Group

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