SORG has been awarded the contract for the planning, delivery, construction and commissioning of the first glass melting system in Wiegand-Glas’s Schleusingen plant.
The melting furnace is a gas-heated regenerative endport furnace with a melting capacity of up to 450 tpd for flint and lightgreen glass.
Four forehearths will be connected to the melting furnace by means of a Sorg STW distributor.
According to the production machine configuration, Sorg will equip two Sorg 340S+ and two Sorg STF forehearths.
The melting furnace and the four forehearths are particularly optimised for the needs of Wiegand-Glas.
The complete system cannot be surpassed in terms of energy consumption, glass quality, emissions and maintenance and represents a milestone in the glass industry.
Nikolaus Sorg will carry out the complete engineering of the melting end for the refractory and the furnace steel including platforms.
Delivery of all equipment, its assemblies with wiring and piping are in the scope of the Sorg services.
All refractory and steel assemblies, as well as the delivery of the steel will be carried out by the Sorg Feuerungsbau.
The commissioning of the complete furnace will be carried out by Sorg Feuerungsbau and Nikolaus Sorg.
05.02.2019, Glass International
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