Glaston Corporation will publish its January-December 2018 Financial Statements Bulletin on Tuesday, 12 February, 2019 at 13.00 p.m. Finnish time.
The Financial Statements Bulletin will be available after publishing on the Company’s internet pages at
The analyst and press conference hosted at Glaston’s office on Lönnrotinkatu 11, Helsinki, will be on the same day at 14 p.m. The financial result for 2018 will be presented by Glaston’s CEO and President Arto Metsänen and CFO Päivi Lindqvist.
Glaston Corporation
Glaston is a frontrunner in glass processing technologies and services. We respond globally to the most demanding glass processing needs of architectural, solar, appliance and automotive industries. Additionally, we utilize emerging technologies, that integrate intelligence and sustainability to glass. We are committed to providing our clients both the best know-how and the latest technologies in glass processing. Glaston’s shares (GLA1V) are listed on NASDAQ Helsinki Ltd.
05.02.2019, Glaston Corporation
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