Between massive walls and a beautiful new building a charming ensemble with different viewpoints was built on several levels. A contemporary interpretation of a terrace with an incomparable view where, of course, the safety aspect was taken into account. In this respect, all-glass railings and glass balustrades are almost indispensable in today’s architecture scene. The combination of functional guardrails with aesthetic as well as legal requirements are all fulfilled by GM RAILING®.
Due to the modular principle (glass and profile are delivered to the construction site as a unit), the design and planning effort is significantly reduced. A system which is very popular among processors, as a very quick installation with continuous adjustability is possible.
In this example, two of the nine series of GM RAILING® were implemented. The basic profile of GM RAILING® Side is intended for lateral attachment to a ceiling edge. Simple installation on different materials such as concrete, wood or steel and inclined levels such as ramps or stairs can be achieved with GM RAILING® Side. The construction cover can be delivered with various surfaces.
GM RAILING® Massive is a railing mounting system for all-glass railing according to TRAV / Kat. B, designed for installation situations where the construction is no longer accessible from the side. The profile can be fixed from above as well as laterally to a massive structure. It is multifunctional and therefore very popular in private use. The U series is characterized by a clear geometric shape.
05.02.2019, Glas Marte
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