Minstroy approved a set of rules "Residential buildings", according to which, including, in residential buildings should be installed special windows.
They are designed in such a way that in case of a call inside, they easily fly out of window frames.
"To pay off the explosion pressure and ensure the sustainability of the building in the explosion of the gas-air mixture in the room with gas-using equipment, it is necessary to provide easily resettable structures," the ministry’s press service said.
It is noted that the window design that meets the standard, "practically not used because of the higher cost compared to conventional windows."
Also, according to the rules, “gas pollution control systems with automatic shutdown of gas supply in multi-apartment residential buildings should be installed in heat generation, designed for built-in or attached public buildings, in the premises of apartments when placing gas-powered equipment”.
"Signaling devices of gas contamination must be interlocked with a high-speed shut-off valve installed first along the gas flow on the internal gas pipeline of a residential building," the report says.
It is planned that the document will come into force on June 6, 2019.
04.02.2019, StekloSoiuz
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