The Mordovian lighting engineering plant Lisma will become a supplier of semi-finished glass products for the production of gas-discharge lamps in Iran. A contract has been signed for the supply of the first batch of refractory glass tube. Currently, the implementation of the order has already begun, the press service of the company reported.
Negotiations on cooperation with Iran began in the spring of last year. Potential customers got acquainted with the capabilities of the enterprise, studied the technical documentation, and outlined their requirements for semi-finished products. A trial batch of flask was sent to Tehran a few months ago. Testing was successful.
“Entering a new market for Eastern countries is very important for an enterprise,” commented Sergey Yermakov, development director of Lismy, “Firstly, as stated, we consistently implement the strategy of increasing the share of exports in sales; secondly, we diversify its product line, complementing the standard direction of the lamp, the development of the glass product segment. As you know, the plant has modernized glass production, which is ready for a significant increase in the volume and expansion of the nomenclature. I was the only supplier of semi-finished products for all lighting companies in Russia and CIS countries, but the real power of glassmaking much more complex.
Cooperation with Iran has prospects for further development: the parties are already negotiating on the supply of the next type of flasks - ellipsoidal. The specialists of "Lysma" started the production of samples according to customer drawings.
It should be noted that the strategic importance of the markets of Africa and the Middle East for Russia was repeatedly mentioned by the head of state Vladimir Putin. Lisma, which last year created joint production in Burundi (East Africa), plans to apply the experience gained in the East.
04.02.2019, StekloSoiuz
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