Austrian container glass manufacturer Vetropack has appointed Zippe Industrieanlagen for engineering work at its Kremsmünster plant.
Zippe executed adjustments and extensions in the batch plant area with three container scales and seven screw conveyors.
In the cullet return area it supplied three new scraping conveyors as well as five new vibratory trays and three new conveying belts, among others.
Besides the mechanical supply, the order also comprised the adjustment of the respective control systems.
Vetropack completed the reconstruction of one of the plant’s furnaces in the second half of 2018 to 240 tons a day.
The complete commissioning was realised in November 2018.
Vetropack supplies the domestic beverage and food industry. The company develops individual, customer-specific glass packaging upon request.
Zippe has decades of experience in the reconstruction and extension of batch plants.
31.01.2019, Vetropack
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