Flexible glass range - Machine builder to the glass industry relies on motion control from Siemens

Flexible glass range - Machine builder to the glass industry relies on motion control from Siemens

Heye International (Heye) is one of the world’s leading suppliers to the container glass industry. As this is an extremely competitive industry, Heye is exploiting the opportunities provided by digitalization to create an innovative, solutions-based approach. The goal: Digitalization and automation of glassworks – from engineering to services. To achieve this, Heye relies on a close partnership with Siemens and the use of proven components from the Siemens control portfolio. Some of the company’s most successful products are rapid changeover solutions.

Heye International (Heye) is one of the world's leading suppliers to the container glass industry and relies on a close partnership with Siemens for its innovative solutions-based approach.
Heye's offer is based on three key areas: Smart data, smart machine control and smart process control which includes the Heye servo drive control unit. This coordinates the dynamic interaction between twin motor shears, servo plungers, and other components so that a range of heavy glass drops can be cut in a fraction of a second and distributed to stations in the individual section machine. The machine produces high-volume goods such as drinks bottles and consists of individual, independent production modules. The motion control is provided by Siemens control technology.

Manufacturers and customers ready for further digitalization
Motion control is produced by a Simotion D435-2 which controls a scalable number of axes. A Simatic Comfort Panel TP1200 provides simple operation as well as management and creation of reproducible motion profiles. Motion control and HMI (Human Machine Interface) are engineered in the TIA (Totally Integrated Automation) engineering framework portal. This saves Heye's developers a great deal of time and effort. In addition to this, the versatile unit is suitable for processing a range of different containers on one machine, accommodating all feeder sizes and types, and can achieve production speeds of 250 cuts per minute. "This means that we and our customers have an optimum set-up for further integration and digitalization of process steps," says Wilfried Seidensticker, Hot End Product Manager at Heye International. As Heye's most successful product, the solution for rapid changeover has also established itself in the narrow neck press and blow process.

31.01.2019, Siemens AG

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