The quality and consistency of global brands is increasingly important to producers of consumer goods. Product safety and purity are major issues and Heye offers the solutions to ensure glass container production quality with its high performance equipment at the hot end and cold end.
At this year’s Glassman Asia in Jakarta Heye will inform about its latest innovations in the field of high end equipment at the hot end, like feeder, process control, gob distributor and ware transfer. This also includes the advantages of the Heye NNPB LIGHTWEIGHT TECHNOLOGY.
For the cold end, Heye is delivering an extensive range of advanced inspection equipment, like the new SmartLine 2 inspection and sorting machine checking and ensuring product quality.
But what is more, Heye International’s development activities are aimed not only at high performance machinery but at the introduction of sophisticated concepts, as the company strives to offer customers a comprehensive overall solution, without weaknesses. This is collected in the comprehensive smart plant concept that combines the best Industry 4.0 solutions in order to produce glass containers in an energy-efficient and profitable way.
You are kindly invited to convince yourself of your benefits from our latest innovations.
Together with our WENSPECT cooperation partner IRIS we look forward to welcoming you on our booth no. D15!
30.01.2019, Heye International
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