The 80th Conference on Glass Problems (GPC) invites

The 80th Conference on Glass Problems (GPC) invites engineers, educators, students, and solutions providers working on various aspects of glass manufacturing to submit an abstract for an oral presentation at this premier industry conference. 

Broad topics of interest are:

80th GPC selected oral presentation authors are required to submit a paper for publication in the proceedings of the conference.  

The 80th annual GPC will run October 28–31, 2019, once again at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. The conference is the largest glass manufacturing conference in North America and attracts glass manufacturers and suppliers worldwide to exchange innovations and problem solutions. Co-organized by the Glass Manufacturing Industry Council and Alfred University, the conference provides expert lectures, panel discussions and focused courses and symposia, along with exhibiting and networking opportunities. 

True to its tagline, GPC is the conference where glass manufacturers meet. Submit your abstract today to become a part of the technical program.

Interested in reserving an exhibit booth or a hospitality booth or salon?

contact Mona Thiel (

To submit an abstract:

1. NEW THIS YEAR:  We have gone entirely to a web-based form for this year’s submission process. Fill in the abstract submission form here and submit. It’s that easy!

2. If you have questions, contact Donna Banks at

Deadline for submission of abstracts is January 24, 2019, 11:59 p.m. EST — no exceptions


Questions about the 80th Conference on Glass Problems
WWW.GLASSPROBLEMSCONFERENCE.ORG, or contact Donna Banks at or (614) 523-3033.

The 80th Conference on Glass Problems is organized by the Glass Manufacturing Industry Council and
Alfred University, and endorsed by The American Ceramic Society.

Glass Worldwide is the official journal. 

14.01.2019, GPC

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