PRESS GLASS SA is pleased to invite everyone to the official international premiere of the 3D GLASS product, which will take place on January 14-19 this year during BAU 2019 in Munich (Germany). The visitors will be able to learn more about patented by PRESS GLASS new technology and see live 3D GLASS façade which is integrated part of the PRESS GLASS booth. The façade is built of unique and geometrically varied 3D GLASS panes.
3D GLASS means a new approach to thermoforming of glass using a patented technology based on ceramic moulds instead of the previously employed metal moulds. An efficient forming process of individual ceramic moulds gives more freedom in forming of large surfaces composed of unique glass panes.
More details about PRESS GLASS booth at BAU 2019:
Stand No. 414, which is located in hall C3.
More information about 3D GLASS Technology-
Plan of exhibition halls at BAU 2019 -
Video with trial set-up of 3D GLASS façade for the PRESS GLASS booth at BAU 2019 -
14.01.2019, PRESS GLASS SA
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