Saint-Gobain has opened a €85 million float line at its Dąbrowa Górnicza plant in Poland.
The float line will increase the production of glass for the needs of the construction and automotive industry by 25%.
The line is equipped with a modern system to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and will consume 20% less energy. Its capacity is 900 tons per day of PLANICLEAR glass.
This line will allow the manufacture of glass with a thickness of 1.4 mm and a width of 4.9 metres.
“I am proud that today I can attend the opening of this extremely modern line,” said François-Xavier Moser, President of Saint-Gobain in Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey, during the opening ceremony.
“This investment shows that Poland is an important country in the development strategy of Saint-Gobain. We started our production here in 1994. Today we have more than 7,000 employees and 25 factories, so we can say with confidence that our position on the Polish market is very strong.”
In addition to two float glass production lines, Saint-Gobain also has a mirror manufacturing line, spraying glass and laminated glass production lines at the Dąbrowa Górnicza plant.
07.01.2019, Glass International
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