NESR, a leading company in the oil sector in the Middle East, has recently completed construction on its new centre in Saudi Arabia, the "Oilfield Research and Development Centre". This building has been designed to revolutionize green energy production within the oil sector.
The building boasts a skylight made of trapezoidal photovoltaic glass, which also includes an insulating chamber to properly insulate the building. In addition, the solar cells prevent harmful radiation from entering the building while allowing natural light to enter. This extraordinary bioclimatic solution provides comfort to building users, who will also have photovoltaic pergolas in the parking lot to enjoy shade in a city that reaches very high temperatures in the summer.
This project has an installed capacity of 110.7 kWp and will achieve a production of over 200,000 kWh per year. The project was designed by the architecture firm Tariw Hajj Architects, with Absal Paul Contracting as the main contractor for the project and Jamal Jaroudi Group as the installer. These companies are proud to have contributed to the construction of such an important infrastructure in the region. Their experience in sustainable and renewable energy projects has allowed them to ensure completion on time and within budget.
Onyx Solar, the world leader in BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaics) solutions, was selected to provide the photovoltaic glass that will maximize the energy efficiency and sustainability of the project. Onyx adds one more project to its portfolio, which includes more than 500 projects around the world.
The Oilfield Research and Development Centre is not only an innovative project but also a clear signal of Saudi Arabia's commitment to renewable energy. The country is making great efforts to reduce its dependence on oil and diversify its economy, demonstrating that it is willing to lead the global transition to a more sustainable future.
17.04.2023, Onyx Solar
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