Glaston receives the first order for the new MATRIX EVO from Saint-Gobain Sekurit

Glaston has received an order from one of the world’s leading car glazing manufacturers, Saint-Gobain Sekurit, for their new MATRIX EVO line. The order was booked in Glaston’s Q4/2022 order book and the line will be delivered in Q1/2024.

The requirements set for windshields and sunroofs in today’s automotive industry are increasingly challenging in terms of various shapes, glass types and sizes and the ever more demanding expectations.


The customer needed technology for producing a short series of more complex-shaped high-quality end products for the aftermarket. Glaston’s line with its active convection heating technology and its level of process expertise will meet those needs.


Glaston designed and introduced its fully automated MATRIX EVO bending furnace to specifically meet the automotive industry’s requirements of a fast-paced production with high optical quality for applications such as windshields with integrated advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), head-up displays (HUD) and the use of coated glasses when combined with the most complex shapes. This order is the first since the introduction of this new product in 2022.


“Our customer has nearly a century-long experience and know-how in car glazing manufacturing. Selecting Glaston technology to enable them to reach the combination of the highest required quality, production pace and energy-efficiency needs places trust in our continuous efforts in product development and confirms that our new technology is a major improvement compared to the existing products on the market,” says Robert Prange, SVP Automotive & Display Technologies at Glaston Corporation.


10.03.2023, Glaston

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