As the representative body for the UK glass industry, British Glass has launched a bespoke guide which is designed to help brands, retailers and stakeholders to make informed packaging design choices that puts their packaging at the very forefront of sustainability.
The guide focuses on four key areas of improvement, recyclability, recycled content, rightweighting (lightweighting) and refill/reuse, to give best practice examples and encourage those who already package in glass or those wanting to use glass packaging to look at how their choices can impact on the sustainability of the glass packaging.
Commenting on the launch of the guide, Federation Manager Jenni Richards said:
“As part of our ongoing work to make glass packaging even more sustainable, the maximising the sustainability of glass guide is another tool for brands, retailers and glass manufacturers alike to open the doors for conversations on making the best packaging choice for their products.
“Our work over the years on decarbonising the sector and increasing glass recycling has allowed us to identify certain ways that supply chain stakeholders can work in partnership with the glass sector to increase sustainability - and we wanted to share that.
“Whilst the guide focuses on four main areas, it is important to recognise that there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution to making glass products more sustainable and opening a direct discussion with the glass manufacturer is always advisable.
"I’d like to personally thank our members for their co-operation in putting this guide together and we look forward to ever more sustainable glass products being created.”
Anyone interested in the Maximising the sustainability of glass guide can register their interest on the British Glass website.
28.02.2023, British Glass
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