British Glass is proud to be a part of the Material Change: Resourcing Net Zero campaign highlighting the glass industry’s route to net zero and the pioneering progress already being made by glass manufacturers.
The new series, produced by IOM3 and CWP, focuses on the strides made across the container, flat glass and glass fibre sectors to be more sustainable as well as presenting glass as the perfect circular economy material for our net zero future.
CEO Dave Dalton also features in a though leadership interview outlining the key role of British Glass in the journey to net zero, the barriers facing industry in our journey to net zero and the future of glass packaging.
Commenting on the new video campaign, Federation Manager Jenni Richards said:
“It has been a delight to be a part of this campaign to really showcase the glass sector and all of the work that British Glass does in order to demonstrate what makes our industry so innovative and forward thinking.
“The glass industry is at the forefront of the energy intensive sector’s route to net zero and it is important for us to show all of the work that is already being done to make glass manufacture more sustainable.
“We look forward to seeing even more progress being made over the coming years, from the amount of glass collected for recycling to less carbon intensive manufacture.”
27.10.2022, British Glass
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