The Glass Performance Days (GPD) organizing committee has issued a special Call for Candidates in nomination of the recipient of the second Jorma Vitkala Award of Merit (JVAM) to be announced at the opening of the GPD on June 26th 2019. The objective of the Award is to honor and reward individuals who have made personal and outstanding contributions to the international glass industry over the years. More info about award.
Outstanding contributions may represent eg. product /process development, new innovations, systems, construction, design, architecture, ambitious research initiatives and advanced learning. The Prize offers an opportunity to extend both recognition and visibility for achievements that enjoy broad-based appreciation within the industry.
Online registration of candidates
For the entering of candidates an immediate access registration JVAM link has been opened at the GPD web pages ( The deadline for proposals is March 17, 2019. An online voting site will open in the second quarter of 2019
The Nomination Committee is chaired by Jean-Paul Hautekeer of Dow Europe. For additional information about the Award and the selection process, please contact the coordinators of the nomination process.
19.02.2019, Glaston
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